
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Challenge 8

I have come across many websites that required registration. I have a little rolodex on my desk at home with scores of websites that have a signin name and password attached. I would probably use bugmenot now that I know about it. I could have used the retailmenot site last week and got 10% off that hair straightening tool that Eileen convinced me I had to have. Wish I had done this challenge before I bought it. I did some looking around and can use some of the coupons for Christmas shopping. Thanks! Carol

Monday, October 27, 2008

Challenge 7, Dear Reader

Sorry this one took so long. I signed up for Dear Reader and received 5 issues of the book "The Divorce Club". After about the 4th day the book didn't seem too bad but I don't think I want to read it. I kept it going for now, maybe they can get me hooked on something I will want to finish. I get the emails for all of the categories of new books and I really like reading them just to see what is new and it never fails that there are at least one in each category that I want to read right away. There were some glitches this past month about when you click on a book at the "read more" tab, you would get the photo of the book but a different title and absolutely nothing more to read. I spoke to Angie about this and apparently this is out of our hands. But I sure like the convenience of being informed of the new books. Carol

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Author Websites

I at first selected Orson Scott Card as the author I wanted to do but once I got to his site and started looking around, I decided I don’t like him at all. So then I looked at Christopher Moore’s site which was ok. I didn’t see a lot of intriguing information there but I did like Lamb (a lot). I looked for Khaled Hosseini but he wasn’t on the yellow pages but I found him through a google search. His site is there are videos of himself talking about writing and Afghanistan. They are very touching. I clicked on the Barbara Kingsolver site and was hooked. I learned that The Bean Trees came out in May of 87 and I thought it was earlier than that but when I think of it... that was 21 years ago, a month after Katy was born. I remember reading the book and liking it, they say it is a required book for a lot of high schools. Cool, I should probably reread it. Anyway, there are things about her and her books and the excerpts I read, even of her books I have already read, make me want to read them again. The most I can say for her is that she got an index to her latest book, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, on her website (it’s not in the book) and I have got to read that. Sally took it out in audio a while back and I don’t know if I will get that or the book version. Either way, I highly recommend Barbara Kingsolver’s books and website.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Playaway challenge

I actually brought home a playaway before I read this challenge. I checked out Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri last week and was able to listen to the first short story when I took July for a walk Thursday morning. I had a little trouble with the buttons because I was guessing about what did what and being half blind doesn't help with the little buttons. I found the playaway site that described what the buttons do just now and that helped. (Emily, the links are just going to spots that tell you that blog is not available) There is also a pretty good size illustration of the buttons inside the front cover of the case that would have been helpful had I not just popped the thing out of the case and just started punching buttons. I really enjoyed listening to the story on our walk but noticed that I would miss little things that if I were reading I would go back and reread the line or the paragraph. I really like listening to music when I walk the dog because the beat gets you fired up but this is another way to increase the amount I read so that can't be a bad thing. I really like doing the car thing but I find that I don't drive very far by myself anymore. Which is a good thing. Another thing, I had to bring the thing in for Angie to help me get the battery cover off to put a new one in. It wouldn't open for me. Perhaps I was afraid of breaking it.

Challenge 4 Pandora

Hi. I'm listening to Pandora now. I created my stations before I got the ipod. I have two stations, one for women singers and one for men. My women started with KD Lang and my men started with Aaron Neville. They will throw a man in with the women sometimes but I just block them out. I don't know if they will throw the blocked song into the other station or not. They put an Otis Reddding song on KD's station and I blocked it because I want it all women. Now I wonder if they will play Otis on Aaron's station. I like it but where my computer is in the house isn't really conducive to using it as a radio unless I put on the earphones to drown out the TV that is usually on when Ron and I are in this room. Another reason I get up early to surf the web, he's still in bed and doesn't care what I listen to on the computer. Also when I started using itunes for collecting music for my ipod, I stopped using Pandora. It is nice though. Even though there is something wrong with my ipod that prevents it from syncing with my computer, I am still tempted to add music to my library at 99 cents a pop. And the new thing they have that is a lot like pandora that suggests new music to you is dangerous.

Challenge 3 continued

I figured I would research something I needed to figure out anyway and that is why July (my dog) itches when he gets the expensive diet, the special shampoo and all the latest flea and tick technology. Here's some sites I went to:
The Bad



All I really know after that is that there are a lot of things that could be causing it and I will just start with the least expensive to try and fix it. Carol

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Challenge 3 in progress


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Burkot, Emily
Comments/Questions: A tech challenge at our public library.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Challenge 2 Truthiness

I really had a good time exploring the sites Emily gave us. I could spend hours on and probably did. It doesn't have the "authority" that the others did as far as what was truthiness in relation to the candidates for president but I found out some dirt on some candidates that just verified what I thought of them. The other sites were good...every voting person in this country should be given the mandatory assignment of reading them before they are allowed to vote. That is all I've got to say about that. Thanks for pointing them out to us Emily.