
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday, Aug 26, 09

New Stuff today, Hum. At around 5:30 this morning I woke up to hear Ron leave the bedroom. I was just having a dream that Ron was sick and had large fever blisters in his mounh and several other places and we were talking about going to the clinic. When Ron crawled back in bed I asked him what was wrong and he said he wasn't feeling too good. I told him that I had just had a dream that he had the swine flu. Wierd. He went to work and got home safely even though he still doesn't feel 100 percent. This is at 9pm as I write this. Richard and Katy came in about 9:00. Righard had his checkup and shots scheduled for 10:30. Katy and I talked until it was time for her to go to the appt. and for me to hit the shower and get ready for work. I took the photo below of Richard sharing a banana with his mother. It looks like the will choke but he was really just trying to suck the flavor out of it. It was so cute when he tried to hold on to the peeling and pull it towards his mouth. He gave me a hug! I held him and felt him squeezing me. It was so sweet. He is talking more, or cooing more as the case may be. Katy was going to go to lunch with Angie, her maid of honor but Angie was working so she went to lunch with Rick. After she was done dropping Rick back off at work, she called me at work and I told her to come on to the library. Some people got to see Richard. Michael, who's baby (Derrick) is a day younger and Katy compared notes on size and status. Both babies sound like they are even-steven Exact same weight and length. Katy says when they are crawling we should line them up and make them race. Katy and I went out to Gabby's to look for some Khaki's for her to wear to work if she gets the job at the video store a couple of nights a week like she wants. She found one pair of pants she liked and I found two outfits for Richard. Then we went to Walgreens to get some formula so Rick will have a bottle to give Richard if she goes to work. I hope it all works out. I think she is going a little stir-crazy at home every day with the baby and no one else to talk to. I mean I call her but I can't talk to her on the phone all the time. I know my limits (and hers) would be severely tested. When Katy was a baby, I would have given anything if the Air Force would have let me out so I could stay home with her. I tried to get out. I remember me and the squadron exec officer going over all the reasons I couldn't get out. Probably a good thing in the long run but I know how hard it is not to be with your baby when that is all you want. But there is also that "I'm gonna kill somebody if I don't get some adult stimulation" thing too. I know Katy's predicament. But I was a lot younger when I was going through it and she is a lot younger than me. It is her turn. She is a strong young lady. She is doing super. I wish this thing had spell check. I'd better so see what Ron is watching on TV. TTYL Carol

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