
Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Quote to go along with last entry.

Reading my bloglines post this morning I came across the following:
A. J. Liebling "Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one."
I thought this went well with the if you don't like the media, become the media idea from the grassroots web site which I forgot the name of but it is mentioned in the preceeding post. Have a good morning. Carol

Thursday, December 28, 2006

web 2.0 awards

I spent a lot of time on the web awards page because there was a lot of sites to look at. There seemed to be a lot of redundancy and over-lapping. I was happy to see that a lot of the sites we have been using for this challenge were on the winner list...Meebo, Bloglines, writely, & flickr and an honorable mention for Librarything. Cool, we are on the cutting edge. I put a bunch of the most interesting on my delicious site so I could go back to them and explore them. I really liked Craig's list because you can go to any city and find out what is going on there. I also liked because it will allow you to access your home computer from a different one somewhere else. I did the download on that but got to thinking about how I really didn't have that much stuff going on on my computer at home and that it may be a security risk...even though with it being a web 2.0 award winner you would think they had checked out all the kinks in the programs and that they would be safe. I liked the idea of the grassroots honorable mention a web based community dedicated to chronicling and resisting...corporate, environmental, human rights abuses. The kind of thing the web 2.0 would be it's highest calling. The caption on a photo says it all..."Don't complain about the media; become the media."

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Search Engines

Your Task: Explore one or both of the above search engine sites. Which Search Engine do you use? Did either of these sites prompt you to change the search engine you use most often? Respond in a post on your blog.

I studied the sites, and explored the search engines. I was impressed with but didn't really see that much difference between that and google. I will probably use more now though because I was impressed with the results I got when I typed in "stem cell transplant". I added it to my delicious acct

Hope everyone has a great Christmas! Carol

Monday, December 18, 2006

IM thing

I talked to Emily about a 1/2 dozen lines tonight trying to get this thing figured out. I think there is a learning curve to this and one of these days I will look back on this post and wonder how stupid can you get! She's ignoring me or hiding from me or has just plain old given up on me. Life at the library was really different for a Monday today. There was no mass confusion and grinding of teeth at 3:15 like usual. S. was there and someone complained about the site he had on the screen but what can you say to a kid who has sort of frisky pictures on the screen but they are all cartoons? I just told his that another patron had complained and he knew that that was all that was needed for him to keep that off the screen. He is pretty accomodating about this stuff. Other boys would protest if the eyes (or main hardware) were blacked out. "what's wrong with that?" Good day though. Emily and I are having a conversation on another screen. It beeps at me when she has typed something for me to see. I want all you people to get this and we can just do our staff meetings from home in our p.j.s. OK!?

Sunday, December 17, 2006

OK. Now I'm signed in. Now what.

Ok, I went to and signed in so my widget says I'm online. Who am I supposed to talk to with this thing? Who else is online and how do I know if they are or not? I suppose I will have to go collect everyone's online widget name thing and add them to yet another list so I can see when they are online. I think I have more to learn about this and I'm signing off now because there isn't anyone to talk to anyway.

I don't get it.

OK, I signed up for the meeb thing and got the widget but I don't know how to turn it on. It says I am offline which is obviously not true because here I am...on-line. I'm missing something. I loved the Time magazine article though, thanks for showing us that Emily.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My delicious link

Hi folks, here is the link to carol's link I haven't put anything in it yet but I will gather some stuff for you to look at. I'm thinking this is a little redundant but Emily assures me it is well worth the effort.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Saturday morning

I'm going shopping as soon as I can get away from this computer. Ron and I went on the house tour last night and saw Stephanie! Nice houses but I really enjoyed the Sympson house on 3rd St and the Ellis house on Flaget. We have the Christmas party for Ron's work tonight in Lexington. He has to pay $30.00 for me to go and I said I didn't know if I could eat that much. He said it was ok since he got me for free on the internet. What a MAN! I wanted to add a photo and picked one blindly off the cd I loaded the photos from the camera to the other day. I still need some work in this area. But, the photo I picked blindly is of the Red Hat Readers and Sippers at the Buttermilk days breakfast in September(?) in Bardstown. I'm outta here. Carol

Friday, December 8, 2006

link to librarything

This is the link to my library thing. I started it last week and have only got a few books on it but these things take time. I hope I can remember how to make a link like Emily and I talked about the other day!dogearedpage

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

my Flickr site

You can look at by pictures on flickr at my flickr site

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Back Home again Tuesday evening

Hi Readers,
Just got back from the annual cookie exchange with the Red Hatters at Windsor Gardens. The piano player (yes, Emily, he is the same man who plays organ at St. Joe) played Christmas songs on the baby grand while Bobbie, Emma, Rita and I serenaded the rest of the group with carols. The gingerbread men looked great but I know that they must taste like cardboard as long as I had to keep them in a warm oven for the icing to dry hard enough to transport them. I came home with at least 3 dozen cookies that I'm sure are better tasting than the ones I took but not so labor intensive. Edible though they may be. Ky is playing basketball on tv so I took time to load a photo of myself taken last year at Graceland. I will try to get to the flickr site tomorrow morning and upload the latest vacation photos we have. They haven't even been downloaded to the computer yet and we have been home over three weeks. I would make a lousy scrapbooker... I am reading "King Dork" by Frank Portman now and am impressed. The main character talks about "The Catcher in the Rye" a lot and I think this book is better than Salinger's. Of course I'm only 1/3 of the way through it. This is one of the best YA books I have run across. So, instead of reading my own pitiful musings I think I will go back to the book while the game is on. Ya'll take care. Carol

My Photo at Elvis's house

Sunday, December 3, 2006

idealized cartoon version of me

Yahoo! Avatars

Sunday morning coming down

So I got my little skeleton man posted yesterday. I think he is a cutie pie. Today the avatar. I played with it yesterday but there are just so many choices. The library party went well. Mordecai's restaurant in Springfield of all places. Good food, decent price. Nice decor. We'll go back. Worked yesterday then went to Actor's Theater to see "The Chosen". They did a decent job. I read the book several years ago and had basicly forgotten the story but remembered once the baseball game started. They had a narrator, a grown version of one of the characters coming in and out. I don't know how they could have done the book as a play without him. The Jews and Israel. I suppose we'll understand it all bye & bye.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Friday, December 1, 2006

Friday, first day of Dewinter

Gee Whiz did you guys read Shannon's blog? What a nightmare. I'm in the process of viewing podcasts to choose one to put on this blog. It takes a long time for those things to load so I decided I would write a bit while Dave Chapelle is loading. Probably won't be the one to add, he can be a little coarse but I think he is halarious. I watched the one of Kramer making an ass of can almost see him thinking he's going to recover and everyone will somehow lighten up. He crossed the line though. Ok, that was fast...what they actually have there is a teaser for you to buy the video for 1.99. Lesson learned. Now I'm waiting for Tim Conway and Harvey Corman. Those guys are funny too and I hope this one is doable. I still have another task to do once this one is done. Ok, that was just too serious...and even had commercials. I don't think that will work. Ron wants to play ping pong and I want him to see the Wierd Al Yankovic thing Emily had on her blog so I guess after that I will have to start getting ready for the Library party. So I'll hve to continue this in the morning. Later...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

last Tuesday of Nov.

Morning Readers...We went to Louisville yesterday to the Galt house to listen to Debbie Hipes give her latest talk about YA books and how to use them in the classroom. Great ideas for the classroom and lots of books I want to read and get on the shelves that aren't already there. I got all the available tech challenge blogs fed to my bloglines. So all you folks doing this should be able to see the posts I write as well. Careful what you say here! My hands have all these itchy little blisters on them. This happened last summer too. I think I have figured it out. I wore latex gloves last week to put the stain on Katy's table. I remember doing something last summer with latex gloves on one hand and the breakout last summer was only on my right hand. Deductive reasoning big time going on here. You would think it would get better but it seems to be getting worse. Of course scratching it makes it a lot worse but scratching it satisfies this primal urge...and makes it itch worse. I've got some medicine Mary gave me a scrip for last summer but what I really need to do is put it on at night and wear cotton gloves to bed. That would fix it. Now what I'm going to do today...Add a babushka to the painting...the end of the table needs her. Put my clothes away. This is week two they have been in the laundry basket and I am running out of drawers in the drawer. That makes sense. Finish the Truman Capote book so Sandi O. can come in and get it at the library...hope she didn't show up for it yesterday. Maybe have time for a walk before I have to start getting ready for work. That should be plenty...and pretty optimistic. Better get it started. TTFN

Friday, November 24, 2006

read the 23 pages

OK Emily, that was a lot of information. Don't get me wrong, I think all this stuff is great but with all the information overload out there how does anyone stay up on all this? There were a couple of things I really liked...the idea that the kids could use Youtube to create videos at the library using library equipment...filming and posting karoke sessions. I really liked the part where the kids were helping the librarians with their my space and telling them how lame it was when the librarians did it. That sounds like reality. But this is day one of 46 so I guess I have a lot to learn. The last entry seemed the most useful. The flock thing. I hope we get to do that, it seems like it would make everything easier to keep up with. Carol

2nd post for Challenge

This has been a fun exercise in resetting my password. I still don't know if it is correct since I got in here by resetting the password and I put down the very same thing I had the last time I was in here. Anne and Catherine have blogs now too and I have to figure out how to be able to see them. If that is what is expected. I'm not sure about that yet. Thanksgiving was good. We went up to Lexington and picked up Ron's Mom and met his brother and new girlfriend at Cracker Barrell for a turkey dinner. It was surprisingly an enjoyable Thanksgiving. No cooking, no cleaning and no all day relatives. Katy went which made it more family for me versus "Ron's family". No shopping today other than Ron picking up a drill press on sale at Tractor Supply that was at a good sale price. Ralph let Ron borrow his Jeep to transport it since he and Betty are in Berea for the weekend. When we drove to Lexington yesterday we were amused that the bug is the biggest car we have since we had to take Katy up there and then make sure we had room to take his mom with us to the cracker barrell. Ron's car has as much room but he travels with more junk in the back seat than I do. Yesterday we had time to go to church, play ping pong, walk a few miles, and do thanksgiving dinner. No muss, no fuss. Ron's mom did say she kind of missed cooking the big meal and I can see that but when you think about cooking all that stuff for just a few people, it just takes a lot of the fun out of it. I imagine we had 20 people for thanksgiving when I was a kid. Unless we had the relatives from out of state too. That is just the folks from B-town. Ron's mom did say she was up to knitting a baby blanket to go with the cradle Ron made for Jessica's baby. We have to go out to Walmart and pick out some yarn. That and go catch a movie except the one Ron wanted to see, "Flags of our Fathers" is no longer playing here. Maybe we can catch it on DVD soon. I suppose that is enough...I neeed to get some paint on that canvas sometime this weekend. I have finished the bottles and am working on the plates, bowls and glasses. The glasses are coming along but it really shows if they aren't straight up and down. Something else to fix. I stained the coffee table Ron made for Katy for Christmas. I think this is the best thing he has done...well, no, it isn't better than the easel but it is very nice for something out of the dark, screechy space of Ron's garage. Hope she likes it! TA TA, Carol

Thursday, November 16, 2006

First blog for the prize

Hi, I'm Carol and I'm doing this as an assignment for the library. Emily, our new "techie" has made certain (mostly self-paced) assignments for all the librarians to learn some of the new features available on the web. This is the first on the list and I hope it will prove to be fun. I'm not sure if anyone ever reads these things. I can't imagine surfing the net just to read the flotsom that comes out of people. But just in case somebody does read this stuff, I suppose I should write something that some one would find interesting if they did happen to read it. I work at a small library in Kentucky. All you big city folks can just stop right there but most of the country knows that all of us who work at librarys aren't at the NY City Public Library. Our population in the county is somewhere around 40 thousand and the main town is around 9000. I think we have a good library considering our size. We are building a new library and hope it will be finished at least by the 1st of March 07. The building we are in now was built in 1914 or so and was built as a post office. It is a pretty building but too small and impractible. It is on the court square and very convenient to downtown (all 4 blocks of it). Our town has one of those old courthouses that sits in the middle of the street and everyone has to drive around it in a circle. Quaint but confusing to many. What I do at the library are as follows: Work the main desk, plan programs and collection development for Young Adults (with the help of the afore mentioned Emily - she's more than 1/2 my age and much closer to the target audience) and programming for adults. I'm also the facilities go-to person and one of two assistant directors. I have worked at the library for 9 years and very much enjoy my job. It isn't really a job job. It is what I do. I do have a life outside the library...I'm married, have kids who have moved away from home and like to be creative whether by doing something to the house, painting, gardening or whatever. I do read quite a bit but tend toward the less popular works, i.e. not Danielle Steele or Nora Roberts. Right now I've picked up the book "Truck, a love story" by Michael Perry. It is so funny. I love this guy and the way he thinks. Where was he when I was 39? I suppose that is long enough for a blog post...I haven't really checked into these to see what folks do on them but I guess they are as individual as the bloggers. At least I hope so, I would hate for this to be just one of those "in style" things that if you don't do it like everyone else you are considered hopeless. So there it is!